Prateek Singh


Humans have thoughts

March 5, 2023

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I think a lot, and most of the times about how should I approach my life.

There are many conflicting opinions, almost all the time. Beginning from "whether I should even think this much?" or "If I am not thinking about it, I am leaving it all to Fate", "Is it too bad leaving it all to Fate?", "But I came all this way by not leaving it all to Fate", "But what brought me here, might not take me there"

You see, the rabbit hole is on. One of the reasons of starting to write was so that I can think clearly by writing, because when I am writing, I think slower, writing each word makes me truly understand it's weight properly. So it lessens the Brain fog.

Similarly I have thoughts about People, specifically in my Life. What they are going through, did they bring the bad things upon themselves? Similarly, the Good things, do they own it?. About their problems, I care deeply. I have tons of solution that can help them fix it, but I have come to peace not everyone wants solutions. In fact, almost everyone already knows the solution, it's maybe just too hard for them to implement.

So, yeah. That is what this section is about, random ranting, life experiences, how I grew up, what effects me, how it affected me and so on.

Thank you for Reading!